April 25, 2009

Let A Stranger Drive You Home

Anyone seen this new(ish) Heineken commercial?

Honestly I'll probably die before I see a non-bothering, half-correct liquor ad and I shouldn't worry. The message in this is kinda bothering. When I saw it last night I thought it said DON'T let a stranger drive you home and I was like, okay good job good job. But it obviously doesn't and I'm confused on what we're supposed to be sending on it.

I bother with any of this because the visuals of two women in a car with three men and "Let a stranger drive you home" are just problematic to me, but then again it could be a heavy-handed attempt at discouraging drunk driving, since the old man in the front seat looks sober (while the rest aren't). There's nothing particularly sleazy going on either except folks in a car singing a song.

Ehh, just something random to think about.

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